Volksbühne Berlin am Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz

Der eingebildete Kranke

The Imaginary Invalid - by Molière


there is one point I wanted to stress: that is he importance of the thing on which your injections act; that sort of fundamental slackening of my being, that sinking of my mental level which does not, as one might think, signify any sort of diminution of my morality (of my moral soul) or even of my intelligence but, if you will, of my utilizable intellectuality, of my conceptual abilities, and which has more to do with my own sense of myself than with the part of myself that I show to others.

And now, Doctor, that you are fully aware of the part of me that can be reached (and cured by drugs), of the litigious point of my life, I hope that you will be able to give me a sufficient quantity of subtle liquids, specious agents, mental morphine to raise my sinking, to balance what falls, to reunite what is separated, to rebuild what is destroyed.

My thought salutes you.

(Antonin Artaud. Selected writings. Edited, and with an introduction by Susan Sontag)


With: Hendrik Arnst, Maximilian Brauer, Margarita Breitkreiz, Jean Chaize, Brigitte Cuvelier, Lilith Stangenberg, Abdoul Kader Traoré and Martin Wuttke

Director: Martin Wuttke
Stage Designer: Bert Neumann
Costumes: Nina von Mechow
Music: Sir Henry
Light Design: Lothar Baumgarte
Dramaturgy: Anna Heesen

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Die anderen beiden Stücke unserer Molière-Trilogie finden sich unter folgenden Links:

Don Juan (von René Pollesch nach Molière),

Der Geizige (von Molière. Regie: Frank Castorf),

